In academia you have to have publications. For a career in academia, journal articles and books are the essential prerequisite (but not a guarantee for success). In principle there's nothing wrong with that requirement because it really is important to put one's research out there and demonstrate one's knowledge of literature, research standards and methodology.
However, the world of publishing does not stand free from problems. Who gets published where, what gets published, in what language must one publish to be "relevant", who gets to read what is being published (most academic journals require institutional access to get past the expensive pay wall). These issues are all impacted by structural sexism, racism, ableism and institutionalised inequalities.
Furthermore, our usual neat lists of publications leave half of the story out - the difficult writing processes, the hours one puts into editing, the rejections, the feedback. The backlash.
Here's my list - it ranges from peer-reviewed journal articles to blog posts, from English to Estonian. The back stories entail rejections, hate mail, but also excitement, wonderful collaborations, change.
First edited collection on human rights in Estonian language "Inimõigused" (, Editor-in-Chief
See the press release:
"Üldse mitte ainult abordist ehk inimõigustel põhinev lähenemine seksuaal- ja reproduktiivtervisele", Co-authored with dr Marie Abel, Müürileht
"Liiri Oja ja Marie Abel: meil kõigil on õigus seksuaal- ja reproduktiivtervisele, see pole luksuskaup", Feministeerium
"Miks on süütuse ja neitsilikkuse ülistamine ohtlik?" ["Why is praising 'virginity' dangerous?"], Co-authored with dr Marie Abel & dr Hedda Lippus, Feministeerium
“Spaces & voices: some notes from Bogotá and beyond”, CORTH Blog: 6 November
“Why is a ‘good abortion law’ not enough? The Case of Estonia”, Health and Human Rights Journal, Vol. 19/1
“Ära inise, hakka pressima” ehk inimõigustest sünnitusabis [“Stop whining, start pressing”: human rights-based approaches to obstetric care], Co-authored with dr Marie Abel, Eesti Naistearstide Seltsi Teataja [Gazette of the Estonian Gynaecologists` Society], No. 59
Eesti Vabariigi Põhiseadus, kommenteeritud väljaanne [A Commentary on the Estonian Constitution], Co-author
“‘Woman’ in the European Human Rights System: How is the Reproductive Rights Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights Constructing Narratives of Women’s Citizenship?”, Co-authored with Alicia E. Yamin, Columbia Journal of Law and Gender, Vol. 32/1
“Seksuaalne orientatsioon heteronormatiivses inimõiguste süsteemis [Sexual Orientation in the Hetero-normative Human Rights Law Regime]”, Riigikogu Toimetised [Estonian National Parliament Publications], No. 28
“Riigikogu kodu- ja töökorra seadus, kommenteeritud väljaanne” [A Commentary on the Estonian Parliament’s Procedure Act], Co-editor